Tuesday, August 01, 2006

And the winner is...

July 2006 ended with a game-filled evening with a couple of friends. Laurent and Julien wanted to protect the honour of France against Finland but unfortunately failed miserably.

The first game on the list was Mölkky, a traditional Finnish game. I won six out the nine games played.

Next the franco-germanic guys were certain of their victory. The game was Petanque, a traditional French game. The rounds were very close, but as I managed to twice win a round with all three balls closest to the target, I beat the others 13-10-10.

After a buffet dinner at Spitz, we moved indoors and played a game of the Settlers of Catan. After a couple of hours I managed to finally build my harbour (which I never used) and the farm, which would have produced massive amounts of material had it been built twenty rounds earlier. I made a few cities, stole the longest road card back and bought with luck the tenth point from the pile of Progress cards and the game was over. I had just beat Julien by one round, probably.

Next time we'll play guitar with Guitar Hero! I better go practice...


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