Friday, July 28, 2006

A week's too short

I'm slowly getting up to speed, it seems. My target to send three article proposals during these two weeks is almost done. Today I sent the second proposal (of which I will hear some time in September) and started working on the third one. I'm using the rejected conference paper as a basis and doing the corrections I got from the peer review. I'm, for example, adding more detailed information about the use of the "Tick-The-Code" Inspection method. I did test it in Paris, you know.

I found a fivefold improvement in the average number of findings in an hour. That means that if software developers today are doing code inspections without special assistance they might be finding 10 items an hour. With the "Tick-The-Code" Inspection they would be finding 50 ticks an hour. The same people, with the same brains, just with a new technique. Isn't that exciting?

International news:

Eero and Hannele are on the Azores. Thanks for the card.
Sonja and Matthes had been to Luxemburg. Thanks for the card.
Dougall in Australia has found work (in February already). Good for you.
Peter is about to start working, too. He sent me email from Utah.
Yrjö and Petra spent some time on the island of Crete. Hope it wasn't as hot there as it has been here...

Suomennos: "Pääsin vauhtiin, harmi että viikko jo loppui. Ystävät maailmalta ovat muistaneet."


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