Thursday, April 06, 2006

No mention of the Party

First of all, I'd like to apologize to the readers (well, anybody else is hardly going to see this) for the interrupt in the postings. It's just that I've been in between servers. I have a new webhost and apparently transferring the domains takes some time.

I'm sorry.

This week, I've been able to write my book. On Monday and Tuesday I managed probably 2000 words and on Wednesday I typed 3000 new words. I'm happy with that. I typed the first drafts of chapter "2. Problems" and half of chapter "3. Root Causes". Much of the other chapters is ready, too. Soon the book should start to take up shape. Which brings me to SHAPE, the forum of Jerry Weinberg.

I posted a short description of a model I've developed. It seems that I might be onto something with my Vicious Circle of Busyness. It is a simple model, drawn as a diagram of effects, which I learned from Jerry's book Quality Software Management (I forget which volume). The model tries to explain how being overly busy is trap and innocent people get caught in it if they are not careful. It probably has traces of addiction in it as some people seem to relate their own importance with how busy they are. "The busier I am, the more important I seem", goes the thinking.
With the model, I explain why not having enough time to do things properly will come back to bite one later. The model shows also a way out of it. It is the Way of Quality, but that's another story for another day.

Check out Don Gray's website for more diagrams of effect. I think he calls them Causal Loop Diagrams (CLDs). Check for example January 2005.


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