Monday, December 12, 2005

Burning, playing, lying and Elvis

The weather forecast has promised stormy weather in Finland today. I hope the flying weather tomorrow morning is better. Tomorrow is namely the day. We fly to Finland and start our extended Christmas holidays in Hämeenlinna. Today, there's a whole lotta packing to do. Hey, that could have been an Elvis hit:

"There's a whole lotta packing to do,
there's a whole lotta packing to do,
I couldn't be happier, could YOOOOUUUUU?
there's a whole lotta packing to do

We'll be taking a collection of photos with us so that we can show friends and relatives what exactly has been going on. One day, there might be more photos even in this blog. My new iMac is going to be red hot burning the photo CD soon.

"There's a whole lotta burning done,
there's a whole lotta burning done,
all discs are ready but one,
there's still some burning to do, with YOOOUUUU!

Matthias and Sonja were here yesterday. We went to a concert of The Ten Tenors, a group of young and skilled singers from Australia. The good old "Bohemian Rhapsody" and the Beegees medley were mixed with more or less traditional Christmas carrols. One delightful new thing was "The Boxer" (Simon and Garfunkel), a very nice rendition indeed.

Of course, we played a game of Settlers of Catan (this time with the variant "The Fishermen of Catan") and Matthias beat the rest of us ruthlessly. The little card game "Mamma Mia" proved to be a hilarious experience. Baking pizzas is a lot of fun in this game. Matthes was especially surprised at how many games we have (there's a whole cupboard for them), but I've seen more (and in a private home, as a matter of fact). Matthias even started to sing with the voice of Elvis and Sonja accompanying on the guitar*:

"There's so many games to play,
there's so many games to win,
you can lose, but won't you stay
there's so many games to play

It's remarkable how well it all went, because Sonja hadn't played the guitar since being 11 years old.

Sorry for the clowning, now I need to update the Snack!

* This didn't actually take place, but it was talked about. Everybody else did play the piano, though. Nobody sang.


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