Thursday, November 17, 2005

Snow - or then again, not

A friend of mine, Kaj, is currently traveling around the continental Europe by train. He's visited all the far places but has shamefully ignored Europe until now. Just a month or so ago he was in Africa (where he almost drowned - twice - in the River Nile). Now he's testing how the Chunnel (the Channel Tunnel to Great Britain) works.

Have a nice time in London, Kaj!

He reminded me that the Christmas Market has started in Bochum. After the move we'll be able to visit it every day if we want to. Missing is only snow. The winters here in the Ruhr Area are strange, if there is snow for more than three days it's a hard winter. That is a little bit peculiar for someone who comes from a country where snow stays on the ground for at least three months.

Hello to all who wait for snow in Finland! Terkkuja lumen odottajille!


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