Thursday, November 10, 2005

Sunshine on a bridge

A third moving company representative came by yesterday morning. We are moving in two weeks' time and we've asked an offer from three different companies. Each one has sent somebody to check on the details of the move and the amount of stuff we have. One thing that makes the move especially expensive is that we are moving from the 3rd floor to the 3rd floor, so there's a lot of carrying. We'll wait until the end of the week, compare the offers and decide what to do. One of the options would be to harness all our friends to move us.
One very helpful friend, namely Holgi, already offered that two of his friends would be volunteering because he couldn't make it then. He doesn't know the date yet, which makes me wonder about the sincerity of his offer. Anyway, at the moment it seems that we will be choosing one of the moving companies.

In the evening, after a long while, we saw our just-married (the photos from the wedding have not been named, rotated and red-eye-removed yet, so they are still just-married in my book, even though the wedding took place in September already) friends, Sascha and Katrin, at their place in Dortmund. We saw hundreds of photos from the wedding and marveled at how I was on almost 50% of the pictures, apparently...

For a change, we played The Settlers of Catan boardgame instead of The Lord of the Rings, which we also like very much. Sascha beat the rest of us by building the longest road with the most cities and bravely (and luckily) utilising the volcano, which was the special variant we selected. In the volcano variant, there is instead of the normal desert a volcano on the island. Everybody can build near to the volcano, but the villages and towns might be destroyed if the volcano happens to wake up. But the ground near the volcano is also very fertile and produces a lot of material for free. But not without a risk. I had my village destroyed two times by the streaming lava after which I decided against buiding there again.

Today, woke up early, had an appointment in Hagen, which is a nice little neighboring town. On the autobahn bridge over the valley of Hagen I saw the most wonderful sight. The river valley was covered in a thick fog, the sun was shining from the left and the shapes of factories and other high buildings were just about visible in the sunshine. It was breathtaking. I wonder how many of the other drivers noticed that and remembered to enjoy the view?

Afternoon I've spent writing official correspondence. The second batch of former Nokia colleagues will soon be receiving post.

In the evening, we'll go and meet our photographer. We need photos for the introduction page, you know.


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