Sunday, December 04, 2005

Back online!

I'd better open up the blog again so you'll see that I'm still going strong. Well...

The move is mostly behind us now. There are still about 30 full cardboard boxes around the flat. There's also a pile of about 80 empty and flattened boxes in the corner in the guest room. It doesn't currently fit any guests, just stuff and flattened cardboard boxes.

The flat is really liveable already. The kitchen is usable, there's light in all the rooms etc.

After spending almost a week preparing and painting the old flat we managed to release it without any problems. I'd like to thank my painting buddies Kaj, Holger, Sascha and Stefan for helping me out. Without them it wouldn't have been possible.

There's one week left to arrange things in person here in Germany. On the 13-Dec we fly to Finland for Christmas and New Year's. I'm already looking forward to seeing all our Finnish friends and relatives again.

Ilpo and Sari came yesterday to visit us all the way from Finland. Ilpo is an ex-colleague from Nokia and he has a meeting in Bochum next week so they decided to come and visit the Christmas market and see some old friends. They used to live in the area sometime ago.


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