Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Productive day

Today's program:
1. Meet with a tax counselor - tick
2. Finish second third of Chapter 2 - almost
3. See the movie "Lady in the Water" (late-night show at 23:00)

The second chapter "Symptoms" is getting out of hand. It used to be 11 printed pages (with double lines for comments), now I'm working through it and it contains 29 pages! Some of it really is new, parts I know I'll have to delete, but on the whole it is growing.

I found a nice working habit, in that I make a mind-map (actually several) about the subjects I want to write about. Then I make the mind-maps finer and finer until I reach almost the paragraph level. Then a leaf in a mind-map later becomes one or two paragraphs in the book. Important thing is that I think about ALL the things I want to say first, then try to restructure the mind-map so that it makes sense before I write any text. And still during writing I sometimes come up with new ideas I didn't think about that really should have been in the mind-map.

I'll try to archive the mind-maps and other working material, so that one day I possibly can share them with you. I think I will continue this habit on Chapters 3. "Root Causes" and Chapter 6. "Benefits".


Ever since Sixth Sense, I've liked the works of M.Night Shyamalan. I own all his films (Unbreakable, Signs, The Village) on DVD. I really hope he's been able to make a good, surprising and possibly scary movie this time with "Lady in the Water". I like seeing people succeed.


On the weekend we are planning a board game session, on-line after a long summer of not playing.


Professionally, I've played with the idea of starting a newsletter. So far I haven't been able to convince myself that I could do it. On the other hand, deadlines would probably be good for me right now. Having to write by a certain time, having to come up with ideas that expand, would be excellent exercise, and it could even be useful and the real deal.


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