Monday, September 18, 2006

It's raining

The rains started today. I have given up hope of summer, now. I'll probably go and buy me some new wheels for my inline skates. The current ones are completely worn after this summer.

You wouldn't believe how many phone calls I've made today without hesitation. I'm getting better at it. I still don't feel exactly comfortable about it, but setting clear times when to call and who helps. Tomorrow will be filled with calls, there are some calls scheduled for Wednesday and a couple for Thursday. Next week Monday I'll also spend on the phone.

Trip to Finland will most likely take place on week 42 and/or 43. Virpi's birthday happens to be 19th of October and she'd like to be in Finland celebrating this time. I've nothing against it. We'll see.


Finished yesterday a book called "Anonymous Lawyer" by Jeremy Blachman. A very enjoyable and quick read. The book is written like a collection of blog posts and emails. Recommended.


Suomennos: Syyssateet alkoivat. Puhelin kuumana on soiteltu ja Suomeen ollaan tulossa. Pysytellään Tampereen seudulla tällä tiukasti työmatkalla.


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