Saturday, May 06, 2006

AdSense activated

I've activated AdSense, which means that from now on you'll see a small advert at the top of this blog. Feel free to click the adverts. The adverts come from Google's advertisement program and they are mysteriously selected based on the contents of these posts. That should finally force me to write about professional issues.

I've been enjoying the summer lately. Our balcony is perfect! I haven't had a balcony in 6 years so it is a real luxury now. It faces south, so there is enough sunshine there. If the toilet was roomy and spacious in our Witten apartment, then the balcony is our new toilet. Hmm, that didn't really come out right. Let me try again. If we kept our garden chairs in the bathroom in Witten, then you'll find the chairs on the balcony here in Bochum. That's better. Come and see. I'm sure the balcony makes a much better place for the barbecue, too.

I finished the "Flow" and am close to the end in "Lost in a Good Book". I bought the newest pocket book from Jasper Fforde called "The Big Over Easy". It's about Humpty Dumpty and it's supposed to be a "nursery crime". Knowing the Thursday Next series, sounds intriguing.

By the way, I try to vary the links that I use. Book links, for instance, don't always link to, so try them out and be surprised.


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