Tuesday, December 05, 2006

My First Article!

My first article has been published! "Happy Are the Software Developers" has seen print!

The postman delivered today an envelope with five samples of the December issue of Better Software magazine. The magazine only appears in print, but the additional material is in the web on StickyNotes.com. Just like my article was the Last Word in the magazine, my additional material is last in the list.

The article shows how you can be happy at work with Tick-the-Code. You being a software professional, of course. One of my inspirations was Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, whose books on Flow are extremely interesting and relevant regardless of your area of expertise or work. So far, I've read two of his books, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience and Finding Flow: The Psychology of Engagement with Everyday Life.


Suomeksi: Olen ihan innoissani! Ensimmäinen oikea artikkelini on julkaistu oikeassa lehdessä! Ja vieläpä ammattilehdessä! Oman ammattini lehdessä jopa! Kaikki onnistui kerralla. Eikä siihen mennyt ideasta kuin puoli vuotta. Toukokuussa lähetin ehdotuksen, kuten hämärästi tässä postissa mainitsenkin. Tuolloin olin muuten kirjoittanut 10.000 sanaa kirjaani, tähän päivään mennessä luku on viisinkertaistunut.


At 10:05, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Let's hope the article catches the attention of potential new clients.

I just had to mention, that Flow-writer (I'm not even going to attempt spelling his name) was mentioned in the latest issue of Pirkka, in the Niksologia part. They were talking about mieliniksit, or mindtricks, like when you trick yourself into thinking that cleaning isn't really all that boring and then you get it done. I found it quite funny, since I'd just read about him here a few hours earlier. You truly are pioneers :)

At 14:34, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Miska,
that's cool - congratulations! That's a good magazin and to have an article there is definitely pushing your business - I'm keeping my fingers crossed ;-))
And I'm waiting for your book, please keep us informed.
Greetings from Kerpen,


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