Wie wird man neugierig?
Finalized this morning a short writing called "Learning, Job Satisfaction and Tools". Once it goes through the review board (=Virpi), I'll probably post it on the Downloads page.
There's another short story in the works called "Focus of Code Inspection". In it I try to ponder should you really check functionality in a code inspection. So far I don't have a definite answer, although I am leaning towards a negative answer. I'd like to hear from all you software professionals reading this. What do you think? Does it make sense to look at code and try to see if it does what it is supposed to do? Tell me and help me write a good story.
Skype log for November tells me I made 90 phone calls and spent €39 for it.
I added to the right a new section called "Communities". If you want to see my profile in LinkedIn or join Xing (former openBC), click the respective button or link. Both of these communities are free and offer you a chance to connect with old colleagues or current ones and possible even future ones. I''m using the communities in the search for new clients.
Suomeksi: Keksisköhän Tuulan viihdyttämiseksi jonkun jutun tähän? Hmm. Ainakin sen verran voin sanoa, että askartelimme tuossa pienen yllätyksen, mutta se saa odottaa joulun jälkeen vierailuunne. Tulipa mieleen se ikivanha vitsi siitä miten hullun saa uteliaaksi. Enpä kerro vastausta vielä.
Kalenterissani on kaksi tiedemiestä, joista toinen sanoo keksineensä koneen, joka imee kaiken kaupallisuuden joulusta, johon toinen tokaisee innoissaan, että "rakennetaan niitä oikein paljon ja myydään ne isolla rahalla!"
Ja nyt pizzan tekoon!
Don`t forget
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