Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The dentist

Yesterday I went to the dentist. It might not be big news for a normal person, but for me it is.

Fact one: I am really scared of dentists.
Fact two: When I get really scared (for example watching a scary movie) the water just runs from my eyes.

Knowing these facts, picture this: I attend the Christmas Party for Finns in Bochum. As it happens, our dentist will be there too, because he has a Finnish wife. I try to have a normal small-talk conversation with him, but the water just bursts out of my eyes!! There's an eejit for you....

And now, when you've stopped laughing at me, I need to tell you that nowadays my fear of dentists is not that bad anymore. Thanks to our nice, tender and understanding dentist - who is still probably wondering why I get so emotional every time I see him. :-)

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Olen havainnut, että tänne laitetaan nykyään myös suomennoksia, joten: "Hammaslääkärin pelko, on viisaudenhampaan alku".


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