Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Goodminton and Downhill Skiing

After a long, long break in playing badminton, today I did. I usually play against Yrjö and he was my opponent today, too. Normally he wins, or maybe it is more like 70% of the time. Today was not his day, though. Perhaps he had done too much in the workout before the match, but I beat him fair and square in two sets. Afterwards he was out of steam, and I could have played a third round. One reason might be that I have less to carry around compared to last summer. I've probably lost about four or five kilos and I can see and feel it.

In today's match I had more time to fetch the ball and think about where to fling it. And most of the time it worked. It is a bit unfair that if you are not in good shape, you get the second problem of not having time to think tactically. You can't get to a ball in time and even if you do, all you can achieve is a sad attempt of a hit that moves the ball right into the racket of your opponent. Then you're out of luck, usually.


I'm planning a skiing trip to the Alps in January. I'm excited already! Can I still ski? Do my equipment still work? Will I fit into my skiing overall? Are the 80's back in style?

To orient yourselves better, we'll be taking a bus to the Alps. Can you imagine? A bus!

To tell you the truth, I'm not at all sure where we are going. It's a group of friends and there's been an email exchange and one particular website has been presented, but whether we have decided on that or are we going to Austria instead, I don't know. We might be going to Portes du Soleil (Gates of the Sun, I imagine) in Switzerland. I hope somebody tells me before we go. On the other hand, I don't care as long as there's snow and a slope.


I'm adding a "Downloads" page to the website. I intend to put in some writings of mine for interested people to download and perhaps get even more interested.


Suomennos: Sulkapallo sujui, tammikuussa taidan taiteilla telemarkilla Alpeilla. Kirjoitussivu lisätään näinä päivinä.


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