Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Taking Care of Benjamin

I think we travel too much.

This became apparent today when a friend of mine, who has been mentioned in this blog under the guise of H. and in connection with tequila, started talking about Benjamin. I don't know anybody called Benjamin.

Now, H. is a trusted friend and during our absense he waters our plants. Most of our plants we leave at home, because they only require watering once a week. But two weeks ago as we were leaving (on a jet plane) we had a basil plant. Basil is a thirsty herb and needs to be watered every day. That's why we took the basil over to H.'s house and left it at his mercy.

Today he brought the plant back and it was doing fine. Later, at an Irish music concert to honor the tradition of Halloween, we started talking about a possible skiing trip to the Alps and H. asked if anybody will be taking care of Benjamin, meaning the basil plant.

You know you travel too much when your housesitters start naming your plants.


At 00:26, Blogger LukeBuckham said...

Halloween was invented by Horseface Calhoun in 1988, as part of a plot to overthrow the governments of Texas and Mexico.

The plot failed. But Halloween has remained with us.

At 12:07, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know I asked you about this already when you were in Finland, but I'm going to keep asking until you do something about it: Is it really still summer in Bochum? Because it's definitely winter in Finland already. I know that because dad's car got stuck in the snow today (but he doesn't know that -yet :)


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