Monday, March 03, 2008

Back in the real world...

Hi all!

I have some great news. Our daughter site got some pretty impressive publicity two weeks ago. It was mentioned on the O'Reilly book blog called "Beautiful Code". It has had a massive effect on the visitor count. The book is a collection of short stories from software gurus and other highly regarded professionals. It answers the question "How do the experts solve difficult problems in software development?"

As is customary nowadays, the book has a blog with masses of readers. My site used to have less than ten visits per day and suddenly the number of visitors shot up to 401. In one day. Since then the visitor count has trickled down but it is still, two weeks later, about five times higher than before the mention. About fifty people visit every day. The word is getting out. Before the mention, there had been visits from 19 countries, now the number is 55! Amazing!

You might have noticed that I've added "Beautiful Code" to the "Blogs" section on the right.


I toured Finland for two weeks, had some training days and many a meeting with future prospects. We'll be breaking the 500 participant mark soon and if our acceleration holds, reaching one thousand won't take two years.

My next Finland tour takes place around Easter time and we are accepting training requests. Email now!


Flunssa vaivaa, ja sängyssä makaaminen antaa aikaa kirjoitella blogiinkin vaihteeksi. Eihän tässä hirveästi hengästy.

Kävin Suomessa parin viikon ajan. Oulussakin poikkesin kolme kertaa! Seuraava reissu onkin pääsiäisenä. Tilauksia saa laittaa tulemaan, päiviä on vielä varaamatta.

Tuo "Beautiful Code"-kirjan blogi oli kyllä todella hyvä juttu. Sana Tick-the-Code -menetelmästä leviää hurjasti. Ja vaikkei tästä ensikontaktista vielä mitään sen konkreettisempaa tulisikaan, niin kun sama henkilö törmää tuohon outoon nimeen toisenkin kerran jossain muussa yhteydessä, se saattaa tuntua jo tutulta ja johtaa johonkin. Ennen blogimainintaa saitilla oli käyty 19 maasta, nyt lukema on 55! Reilusti yli tuhat kävijää on tutustunut ainakin pikaisesti materiaaliini.


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