Saturday, March 24, 2007


The title is not a reference to my trip to San Diego a year ago, Python is a programming language. Yrjö will be happy to read the following excerpt from "Zen of Python", which has been put on a T-shirt, too. The principles behind the language design are much the same as Tick-the-Code helps to follow in more free languages like C, C++, Java and C#. Yes you read right, I've been able to add C# to the supported languages. Visual Basic and Delphi users are next on my list. If you know of a company using either of those languages, I'd be interested to work through the rules to make sure the Tick-the-Code rules apply to those languages, too. But now, the poem:

"Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex.
Complex is better than complicated.
Flat is better than nested.
Python is Better."

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Planning with a Mind Map

Just a quick post taking a look into the past. This is only to show you that I'm out and about after my flu.
Here's a piece of paper I found while cleaning up. It depicts several weeks of appointments and is essentially the plan with which we started Qualiteers. There are names of people and companies who helped in the founding and there is also the first software conference we attended (so far the only one). There's things about web development and other miscellaneous stuff that needed taking care of.

mind map plan

I guess the paper shows how powerful a mind map truly can be.

It also shows what a wonderful mess one's private language becomes after six years abroad.


Suunnitelma puolentoista vuoden takaa. Aika sekakielinen.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Carnival report

20 Steps programme for Carnival:

1. You wait for the train to Cologne.waiting for the train

2. You have a drink in the train.having a drink in the train
3. You watch the Carnival parade.
carnival parade
4. You hunt for the chocolates and the flowers.
hunting for chocolate
5. You have a drink.a drink
6. Kölle Alaaf!kölle alaaf
7. You start seeing things in double.double
8. You have a drink.a drink for you
9. Me have a drink.a drink for me
10. Remember to eat.eating outt
11. Enjoy your Currywurst!
12. You have a couple of drinkshh with Anke and Björn.drinking with Anke and Björn
13. You dance.dancing
14. Me have another drrinkk.... hik...drinking
15. You make new friends (and have a drink with them).new friend
16. Take it easy by the river Rhine.taking it easy
17. You meet the Beagle Boys.beagle boys
18. You better have yourshshself a drink if you shtill haven't had more drink
19. Watch out for the Mad Hatter!mad hatter
20. You walk by the Cologne Cathedral back to your hotel and get some sleep (but first have a drink).cologne cathedral

PS. Right answer to the Quiz:

I did not lose my purse. I never lose anything. Except my earring, which I seem to have misplaced during the Carnival.

I never dance on tables. And if I did, I certainly would not fall. At least this time I didn't.

But I did manage to get my pantyhouse burned. And my thigh. Don't ask...

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Karnevaalit suomeksi: Junailimme Kölniin. Otimme pari drinksua. Tapasimme Karhukoplan. Kadotin toisen korvakoruni. Sukkahousuni paloivat.